Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blogs Push towards Transparency

Now this is really interesting. In the midst of 2 law suits against bloggers by NSTP and the PM's public statement defending the action against Jeff and Rocky, a few bloggers picked up on the government purchase of a luxury jet.

I agree with Rocky, that local bloggers should take credit for:

  • exposing the story that the mainstream media chose to ignore
  • getting the facts right, albeit lacking in complete details
  • undertaking to publish government response in full
  • forcing the PM to come out and confirm the purchase

For a PM who held up transparency as cornerstone in his style of governance, he should thank the blogs maintained by loyal Malaysians who "told him the truth".

See sir, bloggers ARE responsible and will go the extra mile to answer your challenge to advance our country's human/intellectual capital. They have integrity, they do not choose to shy away from important news nor ply politically safe passages. Their ambitions and aspirations, I believe are in line with yours, to make Malaysia a better and stronger nation.

They are not in it for the money. Neither are they in it to gain your personal favour and be invited to Seri Perdana for private dinners. They dont claim to be your friend. They just want the room and right to exercise their right as citizen of the country; to have a government they deserve and a government that deserves them.

So sir, do you deserve us? If you think you do, please show us due respect. Your lame statement, confirming that a new jet has been purchased but at the same time denying that the government is paying for it is simply insulting.

Some people say you have a good heart although not that smart. But I cant believe you are that ...! First of all, as the ultimate "ceo" of ALL the stakeholders in this transaction, your finger print can be clearly traced at every turn of this major capital decision.

For the sake of transparency (I feel it is time you get some practise and put your election manifesto into action), get your PR machinery to answer the following:

  1. Whose idea was it that the government needed a new plane? (Yours?)
  2. What are the expected benefits (or pressing needs) justifying this purchase (Providing current value of expenditure on executive(VIP) travel costs using prevailing modes and existing aircraft; flight incidence in the past 3 years, projected flight incidence in the next 5-10 years, passenger load etc would be useful for this purpose)
  3. What is the expected value to be recovered from aircraft(s) retired or disposed subsequent to this new acquisition (the new aircraft is a replacement and not an addition right?)
  4. Are the terms of the lease with PMB competitive (could some one else have offered you a better deal?)
  5. As Chairman of Khazanah, what is the ROI PMB expects to make from leasing this aircraft to the government (you did look at the ROI right?)
  6. If PMB projects to make a profit from this transaction, does that mean the government could have completed this transaction on its own at a lower cost? (common sense says so)
  7. If PMB is not expected to make a profit, and instead will shoulder a loss, why do you as the Chairman of Khazanah approve a loss making transaction
  8. Can we continue trust you to be trustworthy steward and manager or our nation's wealth? (Are you sure you wont repeat a the Pantai repurchase-type deal in future? Or sell off your assets cheap again?)
  9. As the Prime Minister, if the Government does not own it, who is responsible for the costs of the security details around the aircraft (is this built in to the price of the lease?)
  10. Will you proudly showcase this "cuma sewa, bukan beli" expense as an example of your government's prudent fiscal management in BN's next election manifesto? (i'll be sure to look out for it, when BN candidates come knocking at my door. So YB DUN N10737- Bukit Lanjan, and YB Parlimen P107- Subang, you know what to bring with you next time, okay)

Please sir, lay it on us! Malaysians have told you many truths. You now start, tell us some truth. Unlike some of your ministers, we know how to handle truths.

1 comment:

Rockybru said...

Hey bro, thanks for alerting me to your blog. You have posed some very pertinent questions to the PM. When he came back from Davos and denied the purchase, he said he would provide details if reporters really wanted them. I'll re-post that in my blog tomorrow and provide the link to your blog and your queries.
Thank you for the support!